Check out our latest News, events and announcements here. Everything from news about our productions, to special events and alerts, this is your one-stop shop for all things Boston Playgoers, select each post to see and read more.
NOW ON SALE: The Importance of Being of Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest – A Hilarious Comedy of Manners and Mistaken Identities...
The Ladykillers Tickets Now On Sale!
Our next production is The Ladykillers by Graham Linehan, directed by Callum Forman. The...
Auditions for Hunstanton One Act Play Festival
At 7.30pm on Wednesday 24th April at Blackfriars Theatre Boston, we are holding auditions for...
Clue opens this week!
"There is barely a family in the land who has not at least dabbled with the board game...
AGM & Social Event
The Annual General Meeting of Boston Playgoers is to be held on Friday 25th September at 7pm,...
Dead Weight Rescheduled
Due to the government guidance on Amateur Theatre groups it has not been possible for...
Jekyll and Hyde Auditions
We are holding open auditions soon for our autumn production of Jekyll and Hyde, which will...
Update April 2019
Play reading / Quiz nightA date for your diaries. Following the success of the recent play...
Reunion Event
The committee would like to invite you to the Boston Playgoers 90th Anniversary Reunion,...
Success at NODA Awards
We are delighted to announce that Habeas Corpus won Best Play in our category at the NODA...
Auditions for Love From a Stranger
Our next production, which will coincide with a display in Blackfriars about the 90th...
AGM 2018
Our AGM is due to take place on Tuesday 26th June at 7.30pm at Blackfriars Theatre, Boston....
March Production Casts
Delighted to announce our March plays have been cast as follows: Where the Mushrooms...
Habeas Corpus Auditions
Auditions for our October production of 'Habeas Corpus' by Alan Bennett, directed by Jo...
Victoria Wood Tribute Evening
As a tribute to the late and wonderful talented Victoria Wood, we have decided to hold a...
Last Tango in Slippery Gowt
It's a week for announcing casts! We're also delighted to announce the cast for Playgoers'...
Blood Brothers Cast Announced
We're delighted to announce the cast for our October production of Blood Brothers (play...
Upcoming Events & Auditions
We have a couple of audition dates coming up! Blood Brothers (play version) Our next full...
AGM 2016
This year's AGM will take place at Blackfriars Theatre in Boston on Thursday 16 June at...
Monty Python’s Life of Brian Night
Saturday 14 November at 7.30pm at Blackfriars Theatre, Boston Boston Playgoers are holding an...