The Annual General Meeting of Boston Playgoers is to be held on Friday 25th September at 7pm, followed by a quiz as a bit of fun, seeing as it’s been so long since we all saw each other! Due to Covid 19, this will be held via Zoom. Proposals and submissions are welcomed for our next year’s programme, which will need to be decided at the meeting. Due to the pandemic, all subs from 2019/2020 will carry over into the 2020/2021 season.
We would also really like to encourage nominations for our committee, as we do have some vacancies. The committee currently meets remotely via Zoom, and it would be fantastic to have some new faces and input. All officer posts and committee positions are up for re-election.
Please check your email from us for the Zoom meeting details and a link to view the agenda, last year’s minutes and nomination forms for officer or committee member positions.
Please note that you must be a current paid up member to be entitled to nominate, stand and vote. If you are not a paid up member from 2019/2020 and wish to be, then please complete a subscription form, which is also available on the link on your email.
We hope to see you at the meeting!